Merchandising Oficial de la U.M.C La Flamenca de Borgoña, Bandera de España, Cruz de Borgoña, Patricia Muñoz, VOX, Santiago Abascal

From La Flamenca de Borgoña we want to show our support, once again, to the Security Forces and Corps. On this occasion, we have started a collaboration with the UMC, Unió de Mossos per la Constitució.

For this reason, we offer the UMC t-shirt and mug:

    WHY HAS THE WBU DECIDED TO PULL OUT MERCHANDISING WITH ITS LOGO? There are many disciplinary proceedings to which the Mossos per la Constitució are being subjected for reasons unrelated to their police work. Many of the causes are ideological, for no reason and above all, to please a part of the Catalan electorate. We say: Enough of so much impunity! Also, we have already said enough to the passivity of the Government of Spain. The funds raised from the merchandising will be used to cover the costs of the lawyers. There are many disciplinary proceedings that must be paid and, above all, won. Can you help us? We need you! HELP THE UMC Buy the official merchandising of the UMC in La Flamenca de Borgoña Share this link with your family, friends and acquaintances. Spread on social networks. Attend the concentration of January 12 in Barcelona ATTEND THE NEXT JANUARY 12, 2019 CONCENTRATION IN BARCELONA On Saturday, January 12, 2019, a rally will take place in support of the constitutionalist Mossos, especially the Mosso who yelled at a CDR “What republic or what the hell? The republic does not exist! Moron!" At 12 noon in the Ministry of the Interior, Calle Diputación 355, Barcelona. Do you want to know more about the concentration on January 12? Read the article from Las Voces del Pueblo The same day we will hand deliver the t-shirts and mugs purchased through the web. Book now! Do not stay without yours 😉

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