El Valle de los Caídos La Flamenca de Borgoña, Bandera de España, Cruz de Borgoña, Patricia Muñoz, VOX, Santiago Abascal

The Basilica of the Valley of the Fallen 2023

On April 1, 1959, the Valley of the Fallen was inaugurated by the then head of the Spanish State, Don Francisco Franco Bahamonde .

Decades have passed, but those who lost the war continue to want revenge, even with everyone dead. The attacks against monuments and especially crosses are continuous.

Since the so-called Democratic Memory Law , we have been able to read an infinite number of without reasons, meaningless justifications, absence of truth and a quantity of hatred, which exhales everywhere, and floods each of its pages.

And so it is, because it seems that the only objective of the Law so desired by a sector of the politicians in this country is to tear down the Cruz del Valle de los Caídos . oh! And if it's on Sunday, much better, they say. What shamelessness!

Santiago Abascal in defense of the Valley of the Fallen in 2022

As Santiago Abascal said:

"Is it really necessary to have to listen in Spain to a radio announcer from the Grupo Prisa, a company rescued by governments of both sign and sign, saying that a Christian Basilica must be blown up, and that if possible it must be done on Sunday.

Have you all gone crazy? Truly, so much memory exercise has not taught them that those who dream of a return to hatred and violence must be expelled from public life.

Do you think that it is moderately serious to destroy the highest cross in the world to treat yourself to a sectarian treat?

For our part (VOX), you already know this because we have told you many times, we will rebuild everything you destroy, and we will raise everything you demolish. From the economy to the crosses."

The left against the Valley of the Fallen

And it is that during the last Spanish Republic, which led to a Civil War, there was literally a persecution of Catholics in Spain. Yes that's how it is. As much as they try to hide the reality of their massacres, misdeeds, murders, rapes, and enormous atrocities, we all know what we are talking about. Unfortunately there are documents, images and people who can still tell us about it. Of burned churches, with people inside. Of raped nuns. Of true atrocities that we do not even dare to write here, but that we all know.

Thousands and thousands of patriots died in front of firing squads made up of communists and anarchists. Just as they shot the Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the head of government declared that Spain had ceased to be Catholic. How much I hate our beliefs!

For this reason, the Valley of the Fallen was built, with a Basilica crowned by a wonderful Cross, which reminds us that Spain is and always was Catholic. Place of worship, peace and reconciliation.

A monument to honor all the fallen on both sides, and seek reconciliation for all Spaniards.

How the Democratic Memory Law affects the Valley of the Fallen

With the Democratic Memory Law being processed by Congress, the Valley of the Fallen will be renamed Valle de Cuelgamuros.

In turn, they intend to extinguish the Foundation of the Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos, because they consider that its purposes are incompatible with constitutional principles and values.

Worship will be maintained in the Basilica, the adjacent crypts and the existing burials, since they have the character of a civil cemetery.

Foundation of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen

That's right, from Congress, with the Democratic Memory Law, they intend to extinguish the Foundation of the Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos, whose board of trustees is under the control of National Heritage, since it receives public funds but its management is in charge of the Benedictine monks, the same ones who are in charge of the Basilica and the Monastery.

With the excuse that the purposes of the Foundation are incompatible with constitutional principles and values, they want to extinguish said Foundation.

What will happen to the Valley of the Fallen?

Pending the new legal framework applicable to the Valley of the Fallen, it will determine the organization, operation and patrimonial regime.

Not only do they want to rename it Valle de Cuelgamuros, but they want to emphasize its resignification as a place of democratic memory with an educational purpose and recognize the right of relatives to recover the remains of their ancestors.

Civil Cemetery of the Valley of the Fallen

The crypts adjacent to the Basilica and the existing burials in it, will have the character of a civil cemetery, and religious worship will be maintained.

In addition, only the mortal remains of those who died as a result of the War may lie, as a place of recognition, commemoration, remembrance and homage to the victims buried there.

The Valley of the Fallen now and forever

Be that as it may, for us it will continue to be called the Valley of the Fallen, and it will continue to be the most beautiful monumental complex built in the 20th century in the entire world.

We are sure that Spanish patriots will continue to make pilgrimages to that place for centuries and centuries, no matter how much they change its name.

Let us not fall into the hands of communism, which only wants to destroy the true values ​​of humanity. Let's not allow them to separate Spain in two again, let's not allow them to invade our hearts with their hatred and resentment. All that madness does not bring anything good.

The important thing to value is that we are all Spanish, no matter which political side. Let's not forget our roots, that Spain has been a great nation and can be so again. And even if there are differences, which there always will be, there must be understanding, understanding, tolerance and respect. And above all, defend our homeland, our beliefs and values.

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