Diada de Cataluña 2021 La Flamenca de Borgoña, Bandera de España, Cruz de Borgoña, Patricia Muñoz, VOX, Santiago Abascal

Day of Catalonia

One more year on September 11, the Catalan National Day is celebrated, and as has happened in recent years, the Catalan separatists want to take advantage of this regional holiday to claim their banana republic.

From La Flamenca de Borgoña, a fashion brand born in Barcelona in the midst of the separatist revolution, we continue to fight and defend freedom and democracy, the Spanish Constitution, and the millions of patriotic Catalans who are in Catalonia enduring the nonsense of politicians sick of power.

For this reason, from our brand, we offer a 10% discount on the "The Republic does not exist, Idiot" collection, a collection full of great sales successes: The Republic does not exist, Idiot; dyad; 155; The Catalan Republic of 8 seconds; etc

Sweatshirts, t-shirts, mugs, badges, and mobile phone cases.

Indoctrinated Catalans wear the Diada shirt every year, always with the estelada. We claim ours: The Republic does not exist, Idiot

Enough of politicizing and appropriating the festivals, traditions, culture and the streets. The city belongs to everyone.

Catalonia is Spain, and it belongs to all Spaniards.

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