La Flamenca de Borgoña franchises

If you are thinking of opening your own business, setting up a La Flamenca de Borgoña franchise in your municipality is a very good option.


Foundation: 2018
Minimum area of ​​the premises: 30 m2
Location: most commercial and/or tourist area of ​​the municipality
Contract duration: 5 years. Extension for periods of 1 year
Initial investment: 8,000-15,000 euros (local adaptation, furniture, merchandise)
Entry fee: 5,000 euros
Advertising fee: 5%
Royalty: 10%
Profit from sales: from 5 to 80% depending on the product and the season (News, Sales, Christmas, etc.)


La Flamenca de Borgoña is a Spanish and demanding fashion brand born in Barcelona (Spain). It develops its field in the commercialization of clothing products with the Spanish flag for men, women and children, fashion accessories and accessories, footwear, and supplies and decoration for the home.

The distinctive brand of these products and for which they are especially recognized is the line that all of them follow by incorporating the colors of the Spanish national flag and/or distinctive signs of the history and traditional culture of Spain, as well as elements referring to the situation current social, political and cultural throughout the national territory. Representing with it values ​​such as patriotism, courage, humor, justice, equality, real feminism, democracy and respect for our history, among others.

La Flamenca de Borgoña has developed a national and international sales network through the online distribution of its products and through its first store in Sabadell (Barcelona), and later in the store in Andújar (Jaén).

The franchisor has developed a system of unique and differentiated designs that as a whole constitute a very particular commercial "know-how" and aimed at a very specific sector of potential clients throughout the world, since at present the brand has clients in Spain and the rest of the world.

This has been possible thanks to market studies, marketing strategies, development of specific designs for the different garments and accessories, choice of suppliers specialized in the sector and with production in Spain as a distinctive sign of quality and specialization, and after years of economic and human investment and studies of preferences in the market. All these characteristics have led to the products of "La Flamenca de Borgoña" having achieved notorious uniqueness and commercial prestige due to their high quality and for representing specific values ​​that customers instantly identify and which has led to the fact that, thanks to different campaigns, commercials, the brand and its products have been echoed by recognized media, both in the press, as well as on radio and television nationwide. As well as having a wide presence in different social networks. Once the product is uniquely identified in the market, all the knowledge and prestige acquired over the years is now made available to customers in person and open to the public in those places where demand has grown significantly. considerable during these years.


After the success of the first store in Sabadell (Barcelona), La Flamenca de Borgoña opened the second store in October 2020 in Andújar (Jaén), and we opened the door to franchisees.

The franchisees will be selected to be part of the distribution network of the indicated products through the direct management of an establishment open to the public under a franchise regime, and after having received sufficient information from the franchisor, wishing it to be part of it, and be trained and assisted in the commercial activity of “La Flamenca de Borgoña” products.